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T-Bit Project
About TAPe
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T-Bit Project
About TAPe
The almanac about new method of information processing
What's actually wrong with the concept of AI
Biology and artificial intelligence
Cognitive science: a beginning without an end
Holism and brain studies
Theory of Active Perception
Why perception is necessary for modeling human-like thinking
What's actually wrong with the concept of AI
Evolution of ideas underlying AI: Brief Description
Biology does not understand how the brain works
Why AI does need biology after all
How far artificial neurons are from the real ones
Creating something really similar to how the brain works
Cognitive science: a beginning without an end
Cognitive science has never produced anything practical
Consciousness is not amenable to science
No one knows what consciousness is, everyone keeps talking about it
A sudden idea — the quantum nature of consciousness
Orchestrated objective reduction: what it is and what for
Another theory of consciousness: the integrated information theory
Global workspace theory
Conscious and unconscious thinking. Questions to an academic
Questions for Theories of Consciousness
Ultimate ways to study consciousness without cutting into the brain
Albert Einstein suspected something
Why has psychoanalysis progressed more than science without scientific methods
Insights from intuition and deep observation are not exhausted and are as good as AI
There is no computation in the brain as we all know it. What kind is there?
Why it’s unreasonable to use word Learning in relation to AI
There is a different calculability: what Hilbert and Gödel discovered
Why the brain should be studied as a whole
TAPe models the workings of the mechanisms of perception
Language is a complete system, it’s how it should be studied
The principles by which the Language of Thought functions
The isomorphism of Chinese characters and TAPe
T-Bit: a unit of information 1000x of times more efficient
The isomorphism of Chinese characters and TAPe
The isomorphism of Chinese characters and TAPe is not worth too much attention. Neither should it be treated as a serious mathematical formula. But this theory claims that the Language of Thought led to the creation of the characters in this particular form. Hieroglyphics are a manifestation of the Language of Thought. It is also a good subject to study these very manifestations through the TAPe mechanisms.
Visual perception is much closer to graphic (hieroglyphic) languages. The graphic nature of language is one of the brain's ways of segmenting reality. Phonetic languages are derived from graphic languages (a thesis that can be drawn from the ideas of Chomsky and other linguists). Grammar, syntax and semantics are properties of language as a means of communication (a thesis coming from the same source). Letters, numbers, any mathematical and/or linguistic connections between them are not natural or inherent elements or laws that solve practical problems according to the laws of the Language of Thought.
The principles and laws underlying hieroglyphic writing are similar to the principles that formed the basis of binary calculus. Remember that it was in the hexagrams from the Book of Changes where Leibniz saw the system of binary calculus, this being a historical fact. In our work we already know for sure that it is neither an accident nor a coincidence, but that both binary calculus and hieroglyphs are different ways or manifestations of one and the same — the Language of Thought, which is described by TAPe. Moreover, further development of TAPe is highly likely to help us get new ways of information processing, as in the past it was done by Leibniz, who was followed by Boole.
The linguistic structure of a language cannot be approached solely from the perspective of the Language of Thought. It is the "sign" system that matters within TAPe. For example, why are the hieroglyphs' keys, i.e. graphemes, exactly as they are? How did their initial elements come to be? Why are they combined in this particular way, although many variants are possible? The discovery of isomorphism of Chinese hieroglyphics and TAPe allows us to answer these questions: elements in hieroglyphs are combined largely by the laws of group theory, whose methods are also applied in TAPe.
This is exactly what we are doing now. The discovery of isomorphism of TAPe and natural language, and in particular Chinese hieroglyphic writing, allows us to speak about a new way of data acquisition and information processing, and even about the perception of reality by devices. TAPe is indeed a new way of processing information. The elements of TAPe constitute a part of the language-based mathematics used by our brain to think. We could replace the term "language-based mathematics " with a more familiar term of "computation". But our term is more appropriate here, because we are dealing with symbols, not letters and/or numbers, to which the term "computation" is usually applied.
It is very likely that language was born step by step and evolved from the certain significant features initially "chosen" by the brain. Only after that the laws of linguistics, society, statistics started working for each specific language and language as a means of communication was created. We discovered the isomorphism of TAPe and hieroglyphic writing, particularly Chinese writing. In this case, isomorphism means that the elements, hierarchy, structure, and laws of association in Chinese writing are extremely similar to the laws by which we combine and build elements and relationships within TAPe. The Language of Thought led to the creation of the characters as we know them, exactly as we know them. We believe that hieroglyphs are the closest forms of the Language of Thought that we are aware of.