TAPe Reverse
Video Search

based on TAPe

We’re now testing TAPe RVS, a temporary prototype of very new TAPe reverse video search features that give you a new user experience: the ability to search for videos by video instead of text description.

We are testing TAPe RVS, a prototype video search engine by video. The search engine is based on TAPe methods and allows users to search the indexed video archive for the desired video: the system quickly compares the user's video (search query in the form of a video) with the indexed video database - and gives the result.

TAPe or Theory of Active Perception is a set of methods we have discovered and developed that allow us to create new ways of obtaining and processing information, to create information processing technologies that are orders of magnitude more efficient than existing solutions, methods, and technologies. By orders of magnitude more efficient means literally spending thousands of times less computer power, less time, less money and less other resources.
A really new way to search
Since videos are the fastest growing content, but also the hardest to process, we started by building a movie index base. The index is the most important part of any search engine for any type of information including text, images, and videos. Right now, we’ve already indexed 80k movies (feature films, documentaries, as well as series and TV shows) in our database. Chances are you have watched or even heard of less than 1% of that base.

The second important feature is the TV search, where we track the airings of the world’s most popular TV channels. TAPe RVS allows the user to find out when and on which channel the desired video episode was broadcast.

To test the video reverse search engine, we have developed a telegram bot, you can try it here.
TAPe RVS will swiftly recognize what fragment of a movie, TV series or show is being used. You’ll be able to find the full version of a film or series using that fragment. TAPe RVS will also allow watching what happened before/after the video fragment. Just find an interesting video fragment, upload it to the system, let the system detect the source along with the fragment’s exact time and place (TV series, season, episode). See what happened before/after the fragment, or watch the full version on the official resource (streaming service, online cinema, etc.)

Moreover, TAPe RVS allows you to find out when and on which TV channels the episode you need was broadcasted, whether it is news about an event, a commercial, a show, a film, etc. The feature is suitable for any purpose including PR, marketing, auditing, research, and can be useful for a vast range of institutions, including governmental agencies. In the demo version the depth of search is limited by 7 days and 20 most popular world TV channels.
How it works
Let’s say, you have a fragment from a movie, but you don’t know what movie it is from. Or you have a video fragment and you want to see which TV channels and when broadcasted it. Using TAPe RVS you can search your fragment in our giant film library. Besides, you are able to search for related videos on 20 most popular TV channels.

You can also watch the most popular scenes from that movie selected using our TAPe RVS technology. Each video fragment is accompanied by a list of YouTube links containing this video. This is the basis the system uses to build the rating—the more YouTube links with a certain movie scene there are, the more popular it is. This is only logical.
For TV searching we continuously store recordings of 20 TV channels over the past 7 days. Each airing contains an uploaded fragment plus one minute before and after the uploaded fragment. We can include any channel received from any signal source into the system: Web, Satellite, Airing, etc.
API for everybody: bloggers, companies, corporations, simple users
Although the TAPe method can be applied to all things digital, over the years our team has been specifically focused on video recognition and analytics tools based on TAPe.

The expertise gathered while delivering dozens of MVPs, concepts, and customized solutions is now available for use in enterprises and research with the help of TAPe Video Search API. Its basic functions are to grab and analyze terabytes of video content (stored online or locally), and find complete duplicates and/or similar fragments. Contact us if you are interested in accessing TAPe Reverse Video Search API.

What comes next
A plugin for website builders
In the near future we will announce TAPe RVS API plugin for website builders so that video by video search will become more accessible for millions of users worldwide.
Semantic kernel: making a compilation of videos at user’s request
Using TAPe, our app can make a compilation of videos at user’s request (semantic kernel), delete all duplicates, group fragments based on how often they are reproduced, give links to all the videos that are used in the compilation — and it will do so automatically. You can make any types of queries for any number of videos falling under any topic. In the future, we are going to add a feature that will allow tracking when new videos fitting your criteria are uploaded and adding them to the compilation video.
Indexing YouTube
The next step in the development of TAPe RVS will be indexing videos on YouTube. The task is ambitious, but we will start with a relatively small one: we want to index the most popular content on YouTube — according to statistics, this is only 3% of the entire video corpus on YouTube, or more than 2500 years of video, exabytes and petabytes of information. However, we are confident that our technology allows us to index such volumes of videos within a short time.

We’ll keep improving the experience in various areas such as local information, commerce and also scientific R&D. We also plan to get feedback on the prototype from users and companies and bring the best of the experience into TAPe RVS.